UNICEF Indonesia Is seeking highly qualified Indonesiannational candidates to fill the following positions:
1. Health Specialisl (Ma1ernaland Newborn Health)- Jakarta
Under the generalguidance of the HealthSpecialistMNCH, coordinatethe implementation,mon~oringand evaluationof theUNICEFIndones;a
Matemal and Newbom projects. Also work closely with the other Health and Nutrition sub-units staff to assure coordlnationlintegrationswith
their activities.Advance Unive..ity Degree in Health S.;ences, Mastersin Public Health.At least five yea.. of professionalworkingexperience
in related fields of community development in mother and child health care. Experience In report writing. Fluency in English and Bahasa
Indonesia.Level of decision-making.Mustbe able to demonstratethe requis~eaptitudes and experiencefor developing,managing,mon~oring
and evaluating health programmes.Technicalunde..tanding of health projectinduding knowiedgeof latestdevelopmentand technology.Good
computer application skills. Good analytical, negotiating,communicationand advocacy skills. Training ability. Demonstratedability to work in
a multi cultural environment and establish harmonious and effective working relationships, both within and outside the organization.
2.Construction OffIcer - Nias
Under the general guidance of the Construction Project Officer,the incumbentwill be requiredto develop and implementa plan for the quality
assurance and control of the constructionof the UNICEFbuildings on Nias. Degree in .;vil engineering,construdion engineering,architecture
or other relevantteohnical area, at least 5 yea.. experience in constructioncontrad managementof reinforcedconcretebuildings, knowledge
of materials, methods, and 1I1eappropriate tools to construct structures and buildings, knowledge of structural engineering in the design of
reinforcedconcrete,steel, masonryand timberas applied to constructionof buildingsand structures.Provenabil~ to identifypotentialproblems
and recommendappropriate solutionsmanner,strong links in humanitariancommunity.Excellentwriting and presentationskills, ability to work
productively in a multi-culturalenvironment,good health and willingness to travel and live in locationswith difficult conditions.Have the ability
to communicate effectively in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Strong leadership and teamwork abilities. Computers skills, induding intemet
navigation and various office applications.Knowledge of AutoCAD and MIS/GIS applications. Demonstratedabil~ to work in a multi cultural
environment and establish hanmoniousand effectiveworking relationships, bothwithin and outside the organization.
3. Senior Programme Assistant - Banda Aceh
Under the general supervision of PMESpec;alis~perfonmsa variety of infonmationgathering, monitoring,technicaland admin1strativeservices
of moderatescopeand difficu~, in support of programmeactivities. Completionof secondaryeducation,preferablysupplementedby technical
or univers~ courses in a fieldrelatedto thework of the organization. Sevenyea.. professionalwork experienceat nationallevelsin programming
monitoring and evaiuation. Skills in database and spreadsheet applications and with mapping and graphic presentation software (including
but not limited to Corelpraw and MS Powerpoint). Prior experience in research is required. Adequate knowledge and skill on HACTIFACE
would be an asset. Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Excellent computer skills, including intemet navigation and various office
applications. Demonstrated abil~ to work in a multi cultuml environment and establish hanmoniousand effectiveworking relalionships, both
within and outside the organization.
4, Senior Finance Assistant - Banda Aceh .
Under the general supervision of Finance Officer, serves as a prin.;pal assistant with responsibility for accounts maintenance and budget
control functions of the office. Completionof secondaryeducation.Additional commercialtraining in accounting or finance is desirable. Seven
years experience, including progressively respohsible work in finance and accounting activities. Fluency in Engiish and Bahasa Indonesia.
Excellentcomputerskills, in.;uding intemet navigationand various officeapplications.Demonstratedabilityto work in a multicultural environment
and establish hanmoniousand effectiveworking relationships, both within and outside the organization.
5.SeniorSupplyandLogisticsAssislant- BandaAceh
Under generalguidanceof the OperationManager,perfonma variety of supplyfunctionswhich includeshippingand receivingUNICEFsupplies
and equipment (S&E) including personal effects, procurement of office supplies and equipment, and administration of individual duty free
vehicles. Completion of secondary education with technical know-howand skill in procurement and custom port clearance supplementedby
courses in purchasingmethods or accounting. Sevenyea.. progressively responsible work experience in purchasing as variety of materials
and services, some ofwhich are in the UN system. Experiencewith computer data base and maintenance of records desirable. Fluency in
English an« Bahasa Indonesia.Ability to organize and pn'oritizework assignments and duties. Drafting,communicationand.negotiation skills.
Good knowledgeof personal computer and software applications. Pro-active and resourceful. Demonstrated ability to work in a multi cultural
environment and establish hanmoniousand effOGtiveworking relationships, both within and outside the organization.
6. Programme Assls~n\s(twoPositions)-BandaAceh
under the general supervision of Chief of Sections, performs a variety of infonmation gathering, monitoring, technicaland administrative services
01moderatescope of difficulty,in support of programme activities.Completion of secondary education, preferably supplemented by technical
or univers~ courses in a field related to the work of the organization. Six years of progressively responsible clerical or administrative work,
of which at least one year is .;osely related to support of programme activities. Auency in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Good computer
skills. Demonstrated abil~ to work in a multi cultural environment and establish hanmoniousand effectiveworking relationships, both within
and outside the organization.
7. Admin Asslslant - Banda Aceh
Under the general supervision of Senior Admin Assistant, the incumbentperfonmsadministrative support functions and is responsiblefor the
processing of all travel related matte.. within the office. Completion of secondary education. Training in administrativefield is desirable. Six
years of progressively responsible.;erical and administrative work. Goodknowledgeof English and Bahasa Indonesia.Demonstrated ability
to work in multi cultural environmentaM establish hanmoniousana effective working reiationships, both within and outside the organization.
8.FinanceAssistant- Banda Aceh
Under the general supervision of FinanceOfficer, perfonmsmOderatelyspecialized tasks in the accounting and finance functions. Completion
of secondary education.Additionalcommercialtraining In accounting or finance is desirable. Five yea.. experience in finance and accounting
activities. Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Excellent computer skills, induding intemet navigation and various office applications.
Demonstrated abil~ to work in a multi cultural environment and establish hanmoniousand effective working retationships, both within and
outside the organization.
9. PrivateSectorFundraislng(PSFR)Assistant-Jakarta
Under the generalguidance of PSFR Officer,enter donations into Donor Perfect,handlecred~card transactions and work with financesection
to keep track of donations and database. Secondary education background with three years of working experience in edministration.Strong
computer skill,pleasant telephone manner,a good team player,oiganized and systematic.Good knowledgeof English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Candidatesshould submitan application letter togetherwith a comprehensiveculTiculumvitae, a recent identity photograph quoting positions
applied on the envelope,to:
HR Specialist UNICEF, Wisma Metropolitan II, 11'" Floor Jalan Jenderal Sudlnnan Kav, 31 Jakarta 12920
or send electronically to: http://www.blogger.com/jakartahr@unicef.org
Closing date: 2 (two) weeks after the date (4 oct 08) of this advertisement Applications from qualifiedwOmenare encouraged.